The Journey Starts Here…
Envision the future of integration in your organisation.
With a definite vision, you can build a strategy to clearly articulate how you will achieve your goals; without one, you lack direction, wasting time and valuable resources as you feel your way towards an accidental outcome.
Focus not only on technology, but also on the operating model that you will implement – will it be centralised or federated? Will you build from within or recruit externally? Will you outsource? And so on.
Our experts work with you to formulate a vision of your future integration capability and develop a strategy with you to achieve it. Together, these form the cornerstone of your efforts to deliver an excellent integration capability.
What We Do
Our consultants will spend time with you, understanding your business, IT and digital strategies, investigating your systems architecture, and determining the drivers for change and constraints that must be respected.
We will use our experience and knowhow to analyse what we have found and understand the best options for technology and operating model that will work for you. This will form the basis of the vision.
We will construct a vision for integration that supports your wider strategies, and respects the drivers and constraints that you have shared with us.. We will discuss this with you and use the feedback to update the vision accordingly..
Having built the vision, we will plan the most effective steps to achieve it, taking into account existing strengths and weaknesses and outside factors such as the wider business roadmap, changes in the market and industry trends.
We will present the vision and strategy to you and, key business stakeholders / budgetholders, helping you to achieve buy in and funding to embark on the implementation of your new vision for integration..
What You Get
We tailor our output to your specific requirements, and no Vision and Strategy output is ever the same. Here are some of the most common outputs.